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Kode Matakuliah IKB6303
Nama Matakuliah Metodologi Penelitian & Penulisan Ilmiah
sks 3.00
Semester Name Subject Code Subject Name Group Name Group Code Portfolio Evidence
Gasal 2024/2025 (R)
Metodologi Penelitian & Penulisan Ilmiah
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Capaian Pembelajaran (CP)
Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan sikap Tri Krama Universitas
Trisakti: Takwa Tekun Terampil, Asah Asih Asuh, Satria, Setia
Sportif dan berjiwa wirausaha (S.a) Students can demonstrate the Tri Krama attitude of Trisakti University: being devoted, diligent, skilled, compassionate, nurturing, honorable, loyal, sportsmanlike, and entrepreneurial spirit. (S.a)
Course Learning Outcomes
Mahasiswa mampu mempraktekkan prinsip etika penelitian dan penulisan ilmiah dalam proyek penelitianstudent able to practice the principles of research and scientific writing in research project (3,3)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan etika akademik dalam melakukan penelitian dan penulisan ilmiahstudent able to implement academic ethics in research and scientific publication (3,4)
Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep teoritis bidang pengetahuan
Ilmu Komputer/Informatika dalam mendesain dan mensimulasikan
aplikasi teknologi multi-platform yang relevan dengan kebutuhan
industri dan masyarakat. (P.b)
Students can explain the theoretical concepts of Computer Science/Informatics in designing and simulating multi-platform technology applications relevant to the needs of industry and society. (P.b)
Course Learning Outcomes
Memahami proses dasar dan Mengeksplorasi berbagai pendekatan dalam melaksanakan penelitian Understand the basic process in conducting research and explore various approaches in doing research (2,3)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu memahami proses dasar dalam melaksanakan penelitianunderstand the basic process in conducting research (2,3)
Mampu memahami hak-hak partisipan penelitian; Tanggung jawab peneliti pada orang yang terlibat dalam penelitian; Etika penelitian internet; kesulitan menjadi seorang peneliti etik
Able to undestand the rights of research participants; Responsibility researchers to people involved in research; Research ethics Internet; the difficulties of being an ethical researcher (2,2)
Mampu memahami pengertian penelitian tindakan; isu-isu untuk menyelesaikan perencanaan dan perancangan penelitian tindakan; Menjelaskan pengembangan penelitian tindakan; Menjelaskan bagaimana penelitian tindakan dilaksanakan melalui internet; Menjelaskan bagaimana penelitian tindakan telah dilakukan dalam sistem informasi dan komputer; Menjelaskan keuntungan dan kerugian penelitian tindakan
Able to understand the meaning of action research; issues to complete action research planning and design; Explain the development of action research; Explain how action research is carried out via the internet; Explain how action research has been conducted in information and computer systems; Explain the advantages and disadvantages of action research (2,2)
Mampu menganalisis questioner dan dokumen sebagai metoda pengambilan data; merencanakan dan melakukan questioner dan dokumen; menganalis internet dapat digunakan untuk questioner dan dokumen; Menganalisis questioner dan dokumen telah digunakan dalam penelitian sistem informasi ; Menganalisis keuntungan dan kerugian questioner dan dokumen sebagai pengambil data
Able to analyze questionnaires and documents as a data collection method; planning and conducting questionnaires and documents; analyzing the internet can be used for questionnaires and documents; Analyzing questionnaires and documents has been used in information systems research; Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires and documents as data collectors (4,3)
Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
Course Learning Outcomes
Mahasiswa mampu belajar mandiri sepanjang hayat, kreatif inovatif, berkomunikasi, bekerja sama, dan berperan secara efektif sebagai anggota atau pemimpin tim sesuai bidang ilmu dalam berbagai konteks profesional. (KU.c)Students are able to learn independently throughout life, be creative, innovative, communicate, work together, and act effectively as members or leaders of teams according to their field of science in various professional contexts. (KU.c) (3,3)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mahasiswa mampu melakukan eksplorasi dengan berbagai pendekatan dalam penelitianexplore various approaches in doing research (3,2)
Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan metode ilmiah dan pemikiran kritis dalam penelitianemploy scientific methods and critical thinking in research (3,3)
Mahasiswa mampu mengesplorasi berbagai pendekatan dalam mengembangkan penulisan ilmiahexplore various approaches in developing academic writing (5,3)
Mahasiswa mampu melakukan penelitian sederhana dan menghasilkan makalah ilmiah terkait penelitiannyaconduct a mini research and produce an academic paper reporting the research results. (6,4)
Proses BusinessBusiness Process (2,2)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mampu memahami tujuan review literature; Cakupan sumber literature yang tersedia; internet digunakan selama review literature
Able to understand the purpose of a literature review; Coverage of available literature sources; the internet was used during the literature review (3,2)
Mampu menganalisis strategi penelitian studi kasus; isu-isu untuk menyelesaikan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan penelitian studi kasus; penelitian studi kasus dapat diterapkan pada Internet; penelitian studi kasus yang telah digunakan pada sistem informasi; keuntungan dan kerugian penelitian studi kasusAble to analyze case study research strategies; issues to complete the planning and implementation of case study research; case study research can be applied to the Internet; case study research that has been used in information systems; advantages and disadvantages of case study research (4,3)
Mampu menganalisis interview dan observasi sebagai metoda pengambilan data ; merencanakan dan melakukan interview pada grup dan individu dan observasi; pemanfaatan internet dapat digunakan untuk interview dan observasi; menganalisis hasil interview dan observasi telah digunakan dalam penelitian sistem informasi; keuntungan dan kerugian interview dan observasi sebagai pengambil dataAble to analyze interviews and observations as data collection methods; planning and conducting group and individual interviews and observations; use of the internet can be used for interviews and observations; analyzing the results of interviews and observations has been used in information systems research; advantages and disadvantages of interviews and observations as data collectors (4,3)
Perencanaan Strategi Sistem Informasi
Strategic Planning Information System (3,3)
Session Learning Outcomes - Description (Cognitive Level,Knowledge Level)
Mampu menganalisis penelitian, tahapan penelitian, evaluasi dan aspek penelitianAble to analyze research, research stages, evaluation and research aspects (4,3)
Mampu menerapkan beberapa produk atau keluaran penelitian dan cara menemukan ide penelitianAble to apply several research products or outputs and how to find research ideas (3,3)
Mampu menganalisis strategi penelitian survey; isu perencanaan dan rancangan penelitian survey; cara penelitian melalui internet
Able to analyze survey research strategies; survey research planning and design issues; how to research via the internet (3,4)
Mampu menganalisis bentuk data kuantitatif dan kualitatif mempersiapkan analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif; penggunaan alat bantu untuk untuk analisis data quantitative dan kualitatif; penggunaan statistik untuk analisis dataAble to analyze quantitative and qualitative data forms, prepare quantitative and qualitative data analysis; use of tools for quantitative and qualitative data analysis; use of statistics for data analysis (4,3)
RPS per Session
Sesi Ke
Bahan Kajian
Metoda Pembelajaran
Waktu Belajar (Menit)
Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa
Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
Introduction to research methodology
understand the problem of the research, wrt CS
Qiu, Meikang; Qiu, Han; Zen, Yi. (2022)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan sikap Tri Krama Universitas
Trisakti: Takwa Tekun Terampil, Asah Asih Asuh, Satria, Setia
Sportif dan berjiwa wirausaha (S.a) Students can demonstrate the Tri Krama attitude of Trisakti University: being devoted, diligent, skilled, compassionate, nurturing, honorable, loyal, sportsmanlike, and entrepreneurial spirit. (S.a)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu mempraktekkan prinsip etika penelitian dan penulisan ilmiah dalam proyek penelitian student able to practice the principles of research and scientific writing in research project
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan etika akademik dalam melakukan penelitian dan penulisan ilmiah student able to implement academic ethics in research and scientific publication (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan sikap profesional dan etika akademik dalam menyusun laporan penelitian ilmiahStudents are able to demonstrate professional behavior and academic ethics in preparing scientific research reports
Ujian Tengah Semester 5.00 %
A Model of Scientific Inquiry
Student able to edentify and recognize scientific problem and it's model in the computer science field of study
Qiu, Meikang; Qiu, Han; Zen, Yi. (2022)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep teoritis bidang pengetahuan
Ilmu Komputer/Informatika dalam mendesain dan mensimulasikan
aplikasi teknologi multi-platform yang relevan dengan kebutuhan
industri dan masyarakat. (P.b)
Students can explain the theoretical concepts of Computer Science/Informatics in designing and simulating multi-platform technology applications relevant to the needs of industry and society. (P.b)
CPMK : Memahami proses dasar dan Mengeksplorasi berbagai pendekatan dalam melaksanakan penelitian Understand the basic process in conducting research and explore various approaches in doing research
KAD : Mampu memahami pengertian penelitian tindakan; isu-isu untuk menyelesaikan perencanaan dan perancangan penelitian tindakan; Menjelaskan pengembangan penelitian tindakan; Menjelaskan bagaimana penelitian tindakan dilaksanakan melalui internet; Menjelaskan bagaimana penelitian tindakan telah dilakukan dalam sistem informasi dan komputer; Menjelaskan keuntungan dan kerugian penelitian tindakan
Able to understand the meaning of action research; issues to complete action research planning and design; Explain the development of action research; Explain how action research is carried out via the internet; Explain how action research has been conducted in information and computer systems; Explain the advantages and disadvantages of action research (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Memahami proses dasar dan Mengeksplorasi berbagai pendekatan dalam melaksanakan penelitianUnderstand the basic processes and explore different approaches to conducting research
Ujian Tengah Semester 5.00 %
Problem identification & Hypothesis
Identify problem formulation, framework of thinking and tentative methods for the solution
Roger Bougie, Uma Sekaran(2019)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep teoritis bidang pengetahuan
Ilmu Komputer/Informatika dalam mendesain dan mensimulasikan
aplikasi teknologi multi-platform yang relevan dengan kebutuhan
industri dan masyarakat. (P.b)
Students can explain the theoretical concepts of Computer Science/Informatics in designing and simulating multi-platform technology applications relevant to the needs of industry and society. (P.b)
CPMK : Memahami proses dasar dan Mengeksplorasi berbagai pendekatan dalam melaksanakan penelitian Understand the basic process in conducting research and explore various approaches in doing research
KAD : Mampu menganalisis questioner dan dokumen sebagai metoda pengambilan data; merencanakan dan melakukan questioner dan dokumen; menganalis internet dapat digunakan untuk questioner dan dokumen; Menganalisis questioner dan dokumen telah digunakan dalam penelitian sistem informasi ; Menganalisis keuntungan dan kerugian questioner dan dokumen sebagai pengambil data
Able to analyze questionnaires and documents as a data collection method; planning and conducting questionnaires and documents; analyzing the internet can be used for questionnaires and documents; Analyzing questionnaires and documents has been used in information systems research; Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires and documents as data collectors (4,4)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa dapat dengan jelas mengidentifikasi masalah penelitian yang relevan, serta merumuskan masalah dengan tepat dan terfokusStudents can clearly identify relevant research problems, as well as formulate problems precisely and in a focused manner.
Ujian Tengah Semester 5.00 %
Logical thinking and Research Management
student has knowledge about critical and logical thinking and how to perform research and scientific publication
Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie (2019)
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep teoritis bidang pengetahuan
Ilmu Komputer/Informatika dalam mendesain dan mensimulasikan
aplikasi teknologi multi-platform yang relevan dengan kebutuhan
industri dan masyarakat. (P.b)
Students can explain the theoretical concepts of Computer Science/Informatics in designing and simulating multi-platform technology applications relevant to the needs of industry and society. (P.b)
CPMK : Memahami proses dasar dan Mengeksplorasi berbagai pendekatan dalam melaksanakan penelitian Understand the basic process in conducting research and explore various approaches in doing research
KAD : Mampu memahami hak-hak partisipan penelitian; Tanggung jawab peneliti pada orang yang terlibat dalam penelitian; Etika penelitian internet; kesulitan menjadi seorang peneliti etik
Able to undestand the rights of research participants; Responsibility researchers to people involved in research; Research ethics Internet; the difficulties of being an ethical researcher (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan hak-hak partisipan penelitian dengan tepatStudents can explain the rights of research participants correctly.
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Experimental Research in CS, IS, and IT;
recognize the different between them
Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie (2019)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep teoritis bidang pengetahuan
Ilmu Komputer/Informatika dalam mendesain dan mensimulasikan
aplikasi teknologi multi-platform yang relevan dengan kebutuhan
industri dan masyarakat. (P.b)
Students can explain the theoretical concepts of Computer Science/Informatics in designing and simulating multi-platform technology applications relevant to the needs of industry and society. (P.b)
CPMK : Memahami proses dasar dan Mengeksplorasi berbagai pendekatan dalam melaksanakan penelitian Understand the basic process in conducting research and explore various approaches in doing research
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu memahami proses dasar dalam melaksanakan penelitian understand the basic process in conducting research (2,2)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan perbedaan penelitian eksperimental di CS, IS, dan IT.Students can explain the differences between experimental research in CS, IS, and IT.
Ujian Tengah Semester 5.00 %
Review of Literature I: compare, contrast, criticize
student able to apply techniques for effective and critical reading references
Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie (2019)
Ujian Tengah Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu belajar mandiri sepanjang hayat, kreatif inovatif, berkomunikasi, bekerja sama, dan berperan secara efektif sebagai anggota atau pemimpin tim sesuai bidang ilmu dalam berbagai konteks profesional. (KU.c) Students are able to learn independently throughout life, be creative, innovative, communicate, work together, and act effectively as members or leaders of teams according to their field of science in various professional contexts. (KU.c)
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu melakukan penelitian sederhana dan menghasilkan makalah ilmiah terkait penelitiannya conduct a mini research and produce an academic paper reporting the research results. (6,6)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa dapat melakukan penelitian sederhana dan menghasilkan makalah ilmiah
Students can conduct simple research and produce scientific papers
Ujian Tengah Semester 5.00 %
Review of Literature II: synthesize, and summarize papers
Diskusi Memainkan Peran Pemecahan Masalah
Student has well ability on summarize and make paraphrase from literature reviewed
Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie (2019)
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu belajar mandiri sepanjang hayat, kreatif inovatif, berkomunikasi, bekerja sama, dan berperan secara efektif sebagai anggota atau pemimpin tim sesuai bidang ilmu dalam berbagai konteks profesional. (KU.c) Students are able to learn independently throughout life, be creative, innovative, communicate, work together, and act effectively as members or leaders of teams according to their field of science in various professional contexts. (KU.c)
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu mengesplorasi berbagai pendekatan dalam mengembangkan penulisan ilmiah explore various approaches in developing academic writing (5,5)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa dapat mengeksplorasi berbagai pendekatan yang efektif dalam mengembangkan penulisan ilmiahStudents can explore various effective approaches in developing scientific writing
Tugas 1 10.00 %
Scientific Writing: dissertation, thesis, papers
understand procedure to create scientific paper for publication
Qiu, Meikang; Qiu, Han; Zen, Yi. (2022)
Ujian Akhir Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK : Mahasiswa mampu belajar mandiri sepanjang hayat, kreatif inovatif, berkomunikasi, bekerja sama, dan berperan secara efektif sebagai anggota atau pemimpin tim sesuai bidang ilmu dalam berbagai konteks profesional. (KU.c) Students are able to learn independently throughout life, be creative, innovative, communicate, work together, and act effectively as members or leaders of teams according to their field of science in various professional contexts. (KU.c)
KAD : Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan metode ilmiah dan pemikiran kritis dalam penelitian employ scientific methods and critical thinking in research (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan metode ilmiah secara efektif dan berpikir kritis dalam penelitianStudents are able to apply scientific methods effectively and think critically in research
Ujian Akhir Semester 5.00 %
Writing Research Proposals & Reports
Student able to make technical documents related to research activities
Oshima, A. & Hogue, A.(Pear)
Ujian Akhir Module - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK : Perencanaan Strategi Sistem Informasi
Strategic Planning Information System
KAD : Mampu menganalisis penelitian, tahapan penelitian, evaluasi dan aspek penelitian Able to analyze research, research stages, evaluation and research aspects (4,4)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa mampu membuat dokumen teknis yang jelas, terstruktur dengan baik, dan sesuai dengan standar akademikStudents are able to create technical documents that are clear, well-structured, and in accordance with academic standards
Ujian Akhir Module 5.00 %
Research Design
students understand and able to prepare and conduct research work
Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie (2019)
John W. Creswell(2014)
Ujian Akhir Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK : Perencanaan Strategi Sistem Informasi
Strategic Planning Information System
KAD : Mampu menganalisis bentuk data kuantitatif dan kualitatif mempersiapkan analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif; penggunaan alat bantu untuk untuk analisis data quantitative dan kualitatif; penggunaan statistik untuk analisis data Able to analyze quantitative and qualitative data forms, prepare quantitative and qualitative data analysis; use of tools for quantitative and qualitative data analysis; use of statistics for data analysis (4,4)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis berbagai bentuk data kuantitatif dan kualitatif secara tepat, serta menyiapkan analisis yang relevan untuk masing-masing tipe dataStudents are able to analyze various forms of quantitative and qualitative data appropriately, and prepare relevant analysis for each type of data.
Ujian Akhir Semester 5.00 %
Class presentation I Research Proposal in CS, IS, and IT
student able to represent their research project proposal based on their field of study and their passionate
Qiu, Meikang; Qiu, Han; Zen, Yi. (2022)
John W. Creswell(2014)
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK : Perencanaan Strategi Sistem Informasi
Strategic Planning Information System
KAD : Mampu menganalisis strategi penelitian survey; isu perencanaan dan rancangan penelitian survey; cara penelitian melalui internet
Able to analyze survey research strategies; survey research planning and design issues; how to research via the internet (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa dapat menyusun perencanaan dan rancangan penelitian survey yang jelas dan terstrukturStudents can prepare clear and structured survey research plans and designs
Tugas 2 7.50 %
KAD : Mampu menerapkan beberapa produk atau keluaran penelitian dan cara menemukan ide penelitian Able to apply several research products or outputs and how to find research ideas (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa dapat menunjukkan kemampuan dalam menemukan ide penelitian yang relevan dan inovatif berdasarkan analisis literatur atau masalah yang adaStudents can demonstrate the ability to find relevant and innovative research ideas based on analysis of existing literature or problems
Tugas 2 7.50 %
Data Collection, Data Analysis, and Data Presentation
student able to well manage their research data, from the begining until finish
Qiu, Meikang; Qiu, Han; Zen, Yi. (2022)
Ujian Akhir Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK : Proses Business Business Process
KAD : Mampu menganalisis interview dan observasi sebagai metoda pengambilan data ; merencanakan dan melakukan interview pada grup dan individu dan observasi; pemanfaatan internet dapat digunakan untuk interview dan observasi; menganalisis hasil interview dan observasi telah digunakan dalam penelitian sistem informasi; keuntungan dan kerugian interview dan observasi sebagai pengambil data Able to analyze interviews and observations as data collection methods; planning and conducting group and individual interviews and observations; use of the internet can be used for interviews and observations; analyzing the results of interviews and observations has been used in information systems research; advantages and disadvantages of interviews and observations as data collectors (4,4)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa dapat menganalisis hasil interview dan observasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian sistem informasiStudents can analyze the results of interviews and observations used in information systems research.
Ujian Akhir Semester 5.00 %
Research and Publication Ethics
student understand code of ethics on research and scientific publication
Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie (2019)
Oshima, A. & Hogue, A(2007)
Ujian Akhir Semester - 5.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK : Proses Business Business Process
KAD : Mampu memahami tujuan review literature; Cakupan sumber literature yang tersedia; internet digunakan selama review literature
Able to understand the purpose of a literature review; Coverage of available literature sources; the internet was used during the literature review (3,3)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mahasiswa memahami tujuan etis dari melakukan review literatur yang akurat dan lengkapStudents understand the ethical purpose of conducting an accurate and complete literature review
Ujian Akhir Semester 5.00 %
Class presentation II
Diskusi Presentasi Memainkan Peran Pemecahan Masalah Proyek
Student make report about their research progress with appropriate document format
Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie (2019)
Sekaran Uma(2016)
Tugas Kelompok 3 - 25.00 %
CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN : Mahasiswa mampu berpikir logis, kritis serta sistematis dalam memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan informatika/ ilmu komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah nyata. (KU.b) Students can think logically, critically, and systematically in utilizing the knowledge of informatics/computer science to solve real-world problems.(KU.b)
CPMK : Proses Business Business Process
KAD : Mampu menganalisis strategi penelitian studi kasus; isu-isu untuk menyelesaikan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan penelitian studi kasus; penelitian studi kasus dapat diterapkan pada Internet; penelitian studi kasus yang telah digunakan pada sistem informasi; keuntungan dan kerugian penelitian studi kasus Able to analyze case study research strategies; issues to complete the planning and implementation of case study research; case study research can be applied to the Internet; case study research that has been used in information systems; advantages and disadvantages of case study research (4,4)
Daftar Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)
PI Description PI Assessment Methods
Mampu menganalisis strategi penelitian studi kasus; isu-isu untuk menyelesaikan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan penelitian studi kasus; penelitian studi kasus dapat diterapkan pada Internet; penelitian studi kasus yang telah digunakan pada sistem informasi; keuntungan dan kerugian penelitian studi kasusStudents can create research progress reports in an appropriate and professional format
Tugas Kelompok 3 25.00 %
Assessment Component
Assessment Detail
No Component Name Weightage
Tugas 1
Tugas 2
Tugas Kelompok 3
Ujian Akhir Module
Ujian Akhir Semester
Ujian Tengah Semester
Total 100
Daftar Referensi
1. Qiu, Meikang; Qiu, Han; Zen, Yi. . Research and Technical Writing for Science and Engineering. . 2022 2. Roger Bougie, Uma Sekaran. Research Methods For Business: A Skill Building Approach, 8th Edition
. Wiley. 2019 3. Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie . Research Methods for Business, A Skill-Building Approach. 8th Edition. John Willey & Sons Ltd.. John Willey & Sons Ltd. 2019 4. Oshima, A. & Hogue, A.. Introduction to Academic Writing. New York. Pearson Education . 2007. 20007. Pear 5. John W. Creswell. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches 4th Edition. SAGE Publisher, Inc. 2014 6. Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. Introduction to Academic Writing. New York. Pearson Education. 2007 7. Sekaran Uma. Research Methods for Business: A Skill building approach . John Wiley. 2016